DHS Ends Exemption for Expired Identity Documents

The U.S. Department of Human Services’ temporary policy which allowed employers to accept expired List B identification documents ended April 30, 2022.
Employers must update Form I-9 by July 31, 2022 for any employee who has used expired documents.
DHS adopted the temporary policy during the start of the pandemic in an effort to help people who were having difficulties with renewals because of pandemic-related delays.
Beginning May 1, 2022, employers can only accept unexpired List B documents.
If an employee presented an expired List B document between May 1, 2020 and April 30, 2022, employers should request the employee provide an unexpired document that establishes their identity.
Employees can present their renewed List B document, a different List B document, or a document from List A.
Under the additional Information part of the document, an employer should enter the title, issuing authority, number, and expiration date of the document. The employer should then initial the document.
Employers with Form I-9 questions can email DHS or call 888.464.4218.
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