Three State Lawmakers Resign Before Session’s Start
Issues & Policies
Connecticut faces a series of special elections following the pre-session resignations of three state lawmakers.
Senators Eric Coleman (D-Bloomfield) and Rob Kane (R-Watertown) resigned their seats minutes before the Jan. 4 opening of the 2017 General Assembly.
The state constitution bars legislators from serving in another branch of government.
State Rep. Stephen Dargan (D-West Haven), co-chair of the Public Safety Committee, resigned the previous day to accept an appointment to the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
Dargan’s resignation leaves the Democrats with a six-seat majority in the state House, with one seat vacant, while the state Senate is now split 17-17 with two vacancies.
Gov. Dannel Malloy has 10 days from receiving resignation notices to issue writs for special elections, which must be held 45 days later.
State Rep. Douglas McCrory (D-Hartford) said he will seek Coleman’s seat, while Rep. Eric Berthel (R-Watertown) announced he will run for Kane’s seat, leading to additional special elections in those House districts.
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