Environment: Thrive with Innovation

Protecting our environment and driving our economy both thrive on innovative approaches.
This year, lawmakers are considering some positive steps that could improve Connecticut’s economy and #MoveCTUp without sacrificing environmental quality or standards— or economic activity
Spills and Cleanups: SB 941 is an important measure that will allow the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to meet its commitment to adopt new regulations for environmental spills and cleanup requirements at the same time stricter legislative reporting requirements become effective. The bill still needs modification to align all the compliance and implementation dates in the current statute. (#MoveCTUP)
Brownfields: HB 6830 gives the Department of Economic and Community Development greater flexibility with grant and loan programs designed to revitalize contaminated and abandoned brownfields throughout the state. (#MoveCTUP)
One proposal that has so far failed to gain legislative approval could benefit smaller business as well as the environment.
Loading and Transporting: HB 5406 would allow hundreds of industrial facilities to save money and, at the same time, reduce risk to the environment from loading, transporting and unloading drums of hazardous wastes. While the Environment Committee did not take action on this bill, DEEP commissioner Robert Klee said he would be willing to discuss these concepts further. (#MoveCTUP)
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Brown at 860.244.1926 | eric.brown@cbia.com | @CBIAericb
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