Experts to Talk Taxes on Pass-Throughs

Members of CBIA’s Tax Council will join other experts as panelists before the Commission on Connecticut's Leadership in Corporation and Business Law on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 12:30 pm in Room 2B of the Legislative Office Building.
The presentation will focus on state taxes on pass-through entities—most of which are small businesses.
Panelists will include Tax Council members Alan Lieberman, partner, Shipman & Goodwin, LLP; Patrick Duffany, partner, Cohn Reznick; and Doug Joseph, CPA,Partner, BlumShapiro.
The Commission on Connecticut’s Leadership in Corporation and Business Law was created by state lawmakers during the 2014 session (PA 14- 89; HB 5353).
The group is charged with developing and recommending policies over a 10-year window to help transform Connecticut into one of the best states in which to locate, organize, and conduct business.
A plan on how to attract, encourage and retain businesses is due to the legislature by Oct. 1, 2015.
Tuesday’s presentation will be the second in which CBIA Tax Council members have participated before the commission. The first one, in May, concentrated on corporate tax policy and economic competitiveness.
The new presentation will include:
- Principles for reform to encourage competitiveness, ease of compliance, and predictability in Connecticut tax law;
- Identifying various types of pass-through entities ( LLC’s, Partnerships, Limited Partnerships (LP’s) and Limited Liability Partnerships(LLP’s) S Corps
- Federal and state tax treatment of pass-throughs, compared with C Corporations
- Anti-competitive Connecticut income tax issues for pass-through entities.
For more information about the Commission on Connecticut’s leadership in Corporation and Business law, contact CBIA’s Louise DiCocco at 860.244.1169 or
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