House Approves Pay Equity Bill After Compromise Reached

The House of Representatives this week approved a bill that seeks to close gender-based pay gaps by prohibiting employers from inquiring about job candidates’ salary histories.
HB 5386 was approved April 19 by a 142-4 margin and now goes to the state Senate.
The bill prevents an employer from asking about salary history but does allow inquiries into other aspects of compensation, including retirement benefits, health benefits, and commissions—providing no inquiry is made into the dollar value of those items.
While the bill will impact the hiring process, CBIA lauded its passage.
“Approval today of legislation addressing gender-based pay inequity is the result of discussions and compromise between multiple parties, including the business community, Democratic and Republican legislative leadership, and the governor’s office, and we thank them for all their commitment to forge a consensus,” CBIA said in a statement.
While this is a significant change to the hiring process, employers understand the need to address this issue and are willing to do their part.
"This bill will make pay equity more attainable, while minimally impacting the ability of Connecticut companies to compete.
"As the final weeks of this legislative session approach, we look forward to working with legislators on other issues that impact the business community, job creation, and economic growth."
If passed by the state Senate and signed by the governor, the new law takes effect Jan. 1, 2019.
For more information, contact CBIA's Eric Gjede (860.480.1784) | @egjede
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