Manufacturing Innovation Day Focuses on Workforce Development

Public and private sector workforce development initiatives will be the focus of CBIA’s Manufacturing Innovation Day on Wednesday, May 17 at the State Capitol in Hartford.
Finding the next generation of talent to move the industry forward is one of the biggest challenges facing the sector, with growing demand and a wave of retirements placing a premium on workforce development.
The results from a new survey commissioned by the NSF Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing Center, Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, will be released at the Capitol that day.
Manufacturers and their employees will share their best practices for recruiting and training as part of a broad discussion on workforce development.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk), Deputy Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Kevin Witkos (R-Canton), House Speaker Joe Aresimowicz (D-Berlin), House Republican Leader Themis Klarides (R-Derby), leaders of the legislative manufacturing caucus, and other lawmakers will also share what the state legislature is doing to address the workforce skills gap.
The second part of the day features a manufacturing exhibit on the first floor of the Capitol. Legislators and other elected officials will be invited to tour the exhibits.
Manufacturing has a huge multiplier effect on the state’s economy, creating additional jobs and driving economic growth.
Connecticut manufacturers annually pump hundreds of millions of dollars into the economy by investing in capital improvement for their businesses, and create jobs outside the manufacturing sector.
Mark your calendars for May 17 and join us for this important free program, which showcases the innovative advances and economic contributions of this critical industry.
Interested in exhibiting at Manufacturing Innovation Day? Contact CBIA’s Adam Ney (860.244.1933).
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