CBIA Reaction to February 2022 Employment Report
The state’s largest business organization issued the following response to today’s release of the February 2022 employment report.
“While we welcome the strong rebound from the Omicron surge, the labor shortage crisis continues to threaten the state’s pandemic recovery and addressing this crisis must be the top priority for policymakers,” CBIA president and CEO Chris DiPentima said today.
“There are 117,000 job openings in Connecticut—if every unemployed resident found a job, we’d still have 25,800 open positions.
“Connecticut’s labor force decline since February 2020 is alarming, representing 46% of the region’s losses and 14% of the U.S. decline.
“Unemployment remains unacceptably high—the highest of the New England states and over a percentage point above the national rate.
“It is critical that lawmakers use the current legislative session to address this crisis and find ways to make Connecticut more affordable for residents and businesses.”
CBIA is Connecticut’s largest business organization, with thousands of member companies, small and large, representing a diverse range of industries from every part of the state. For more information, please contact Ali Warshavsky (860.244.1929).
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