Transportation Lockbox Takes First Step to Voters

The Connecticut legislature’s Transportation Committee this week approved a resolution (HJ 1) proposed by Gov. Malloy to let voters decide this November whether a constitutional lock will be placed on the state’s Special Transportation Fund.
With the committee’s bipartisan vote and the backing of Connecticut’s business community, the proposal is heading in the right direction–but not out of the woods yet, as some lawmakers raised concerns.
Lawmakers passed a similar lockbox proposal during the December 2015 special session, but the measure fell short of the necessary 75% vote it needed to be placed on the November 2016 ballot.
HJ 1 is a slightly different version of that lockbox proposal and the governor and business community are working to help pass the 75% threshold and put it on the ballot for Connecticut’s voters to decide.
CBIA agrees that Connecticut lawmakers should put the issue in voters’ hands.
Connecticut’s transportation infrastructure is in dire need of repair and expansion. Over the years, revenues that were supposed to go toward transportation have often been squandered. Now those revenues are becoming even scarcer.
Deciding exactly how to fund all of the state’s much-needed transportation improvements will come later. Deciding to protect those dollars has to come first.
For more information, contact CBIA’s Eric Gjede (860.244.1931) | @egjede
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