Lawmakers Consider Expanding Workers’ Compensation PTSI Coverage

Connecticut lawmakers are considering expanding the state’s workers’ compensation system to cover post traumatic stress injuries for all employees.
SB 913, which passed out of the Labor and Public Employees Committee in February, was this week referred from the Senate to the Appropriations Committee.
CBIA and other business organizations have voiced concern with the cost implications of this legislation.
“By expanding this coverage in such a wide manner our concern is that Connecticut businesses will see an increase in risk in their insurance policies along with an increase in premiums,” CBIA’s Pete Myers told the committee earlier this year.
Myers said that the true costs of SB 913 are unknown, with the legislature’s nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis noting “the bill will result in a potential cost” to the state and municipalities.
“The annualized ongoing fiscal impact identified above would continue into the future subject to inflation and the number of claims made,” the OFA report said.
‘Dangerous Precedent’
Myers said that expansion of workers’ compensation coverage without first studying the actual costs “will be a dangerous precedent to set.”
Connecticut workers’ compensation rates have declined for nine consecutive years, and there are concerns that SB 913 will change that trend.
Myers pointed to comments by Gov. Ned Lamont last October heralding the latest workers’ compensation rate cuts.
“The decline in workers’ compensation insurance premiums is good news for businesses, enabling employers to invest more money back into their companies and employees, and providing a boost to our economy,” Lamont said.
“It’s even better news for workers because the decrease reflects the fact that workplaces are getting safer and safer.”
SB 913 is co-sponsored by Senate president Martin Looney (D-New Haven), Labor Committee co-chair Sen. Julie Kushner (D-Danbury), and Rep. Anthony Nolan (D-New London).
For more information, contact CBIA’s Pete Myers (860.244.1921).
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